Craigieburn Ski Resort

South Island, New Zealand
10 Kms 3 Lifts -
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Craigieburn Trail map

Nestled in the heart of the South Island within the Canterbury, Craigieburn Valley Ski Area presents a thrilling adventure for avid skiers. Known for its challenging terrain, it boasts a total surface area of 10 kms. With 3 lifts, the area provides access to slopes reaching from 1310 mts to 1811 mts, creating a considerable vertical drop of 501 mts. Craigieburn is not just about the slopes but is also celebrated for its backcountry opportunities, attracting skiers who are eager to explore beyond the marked trails.

Close to the ski area, visitors can find the charming village of Castle Hill, offering a quaint retreat after a day on the slopes. Moreover, Craigieburn borders the renowned Arthur's Pass National Park, an area famed for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, making it a perfect addition to any ski trip itinerary. Whether it’s the lure of its challenging pistes or the beauty of its surroundings, Craigieburn Valley Ski Area remains a favorite among those seeking an authentic and exhilarating skiing experience.

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Opening and closing dates

Projected opening:
July 17, 2024
Projected closing:
September 30, 2024

Lift tickets & prices


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1310 mts.
1811 mts.
South Island, New zealand
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