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Red Mountain Ski Resort

Monashee Mountains, Canada
120 Slopes 8 Lifts -
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Welcome to Red Mountain Resort, a landmark nestled in the majestic Kootenay Rockies of British Columbia. With a sprawling 120 slopes of ski terrain scattered across Granite, Grey, and Kirkup Mountains, Red Mountain offers an unmatched skiing experience. Known as the oldest resort in Western Canada, it boasts a vibrant history that intertwines with the charming town of Rossland, a former gold mining community. Yet, Red Mountain is firmly rooted in the present, featuring the most significant terrain expansion in the last decade.

With 8 lifts reaching elevations from 1185 mts to 2075 mts, skiers and snowboarders of all levels can enjoy 120 slopes. The resort's ability to balance steep, challenging skiing with a family-friendly atmosphere makes it a gem in the Monashee Mountains. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-fueled adventure or cozy mountain vibes, Red Mountain Resort delivers an authentic and unforgettable experience to all who visit.

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Opening and closing dates

Projected opening:
December 7, 2024
Projected closing:

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1185 mts.
2075 mts.
Monashee Mountains, Canada
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