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Lake Louise Ski Resort

Banff National Park, Canada
139 Kms 11 Lifts -
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Lake Louise Trail map

Welcome to the breathtaking Lake Louise Ski Resort, nestled in the heart of the majestic Banff National Park within the serene Alberta. Our resort spans an impressive 139 kms, serviced by 11 state-of-the-art lifts. From the 1646 mts to the peak at 2637 mts, offering a 991 mts thrilling vertical drop.

Not only is it renowned for its panoramic views and vast skiing terrain, Lake Louise hosts the world-class event name, attracting top athletes globally. The quaint village nearby, and the iconic Lake Louise, provide unforgettable experiences off the slopes. Experience the wonder close to the renowned Banff National Park and immerse yourself in the magic of Lake Louise Ski Resort.

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Opening and closing dates

Projected opening:
November 28, 2024
Projected closing:

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1646 mts.
2637 mts.
Banff National Park, Canada
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